Friday, January 16, 2009

epic fail day

man. so today was pretty terrible. super fail. next level failing. so first i get up at like 1030. irv doesnt move till 11. we go outside to his car and we put shit in the trunk [including his keys(no spare key)] and lock ourselves out. ok so no speakers, no flannel. we can still take my car. go to asu, find ridiculously good parking. probably the only positive part of the day. go to the src and meet up with francis and try to get a guest pass. lady says i need an id. oops crap, i left my wallet at home. we stand outside for a minute meet up with ck and decide to go to tempe marketplace while irv goes home and our insurance company unlocks the car for him. go to target look at a bunchh of neat kitchen appliances and delicious food. meet up with irv, dw, aj, and pat at mojo. we decide to get RR for lunch. get a burger. WELL DONE [ew] and split it with dw. garlic fries were delicious btw.

side note: whenever i go to RR i promise myself that imma make these faking bottomless fries worth it by eating 6 or so baskets. well i never do so. instead finishing 2 maybe 3 baskets if im starving.

so we eat there, go back to mojo and attempt to practice outside. its kinda ghetto so we meet back up at the src. this is where it gets super pwn. so me, drea, mj, shine, and francis try to get in the src. and me being stupid ask if its free. SUPRISE [abortion] its $10 for a guest pass for one day. and they close at 8. WTF. so we all split up. meet at francis' house and practice outside his halfway cul de sac for a minute. we get ~some~ stuff done and then go to intel park to "finish" things off. which doesn't really work out too well. w/e. we leave for JJ's house and figure out we have 20 minutes till ABDC so we drive to BoSa donuts and rush bacl. sit down attempt to watch ABDC. surprise2! its not for another hour. so we go to tacho bell and get food. surprise! gotta take drea home. surprise4! drea drives back!

side note: probably the scariest 20 minutes in my entire year so far. probably my top 10 scariest moments inside a vehicle.

so we get back watch ABDC which was pretty awesome.

ABDC crew review: TM was super disappointing today. Boxcuttuhz were good. quest and beatfreaks were SICK. dynamic edition was on point but they came off as corny to me. ringmasters were fucking weird as hell but im kinda interested in their next routine. fly khicks and strikers didnt impress me much. imo.

then play TMNT 89. which was pretty sweeeet. graphic wise i mean. and then drove home.

hopefully tomorrow will be better -_- peace out


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