Monday, January 24, 2011


so i went back to the doctor today. they determined that i shouldn't be coughing/ have an ear infection after a month of meds. so i get to do some chest xrays, blood sampling, 2 more medications, and i get to come back thursday. JOY.

after the doctors, i went to safeway, bought my meds and some foods. came home and bummed out until 530pm. drove to tempe to bike around [ironic]. dropped off my car at tempe beach park and rode to laurens [6.6 miles one way]. had some water, chatted for a second and went back. drove home. tired as balls.

i can't find my memory card off my camera. i think my brother stole it. damn him.

school tomorrow 750-230. UGH.

edit* i forgot i had this thing called facebook and that i often post pictures on there.

wtf are we doing??

playing dance central of course!

geisha a go go, downtown, scottsdale, arizona

nothing better than chinese food and sonic drinks 8)


always playing cards...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


ugh. tumblr.

koalas, pretty good

pork chops, dinner

Monday, January 10, 2011


so i went to see the doctor a couple days ago. i have bronchitis, an ear infection, and other things. been pretty out of it lately just resting, watching movies, and surfing the internets.

oh, and i've been trying to eat at some places on the top 85 restaurants according to phoenix magazine. irv and i went to China Magic noodle house and it was delicious. they put a lot of meat in their soups and all their noodles are hand made. beef noodle soup [$6] and 8 potstickers [$5]. no more shitty blue moon for me!

medley of cough drops, antibiotics, promethazine/ codeine, vicks, muxinex, h2o

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


so i'm still sick. i actually don't feel like im progressing to a healthier self. i've taken around 5 shots of cough syrup, 4 tablets of mucinex, a bag of cough drops, and none of it seems to be helping. i feel like i'm coughing my chest bone out. anyways.

i had a great day today! woke up at 1150 ish and miraculously got irv up and going [after an hour]. we made it down to asu by 1 and met up with aaron and rachel. we rode from lot 59 to a little past chaparral road [around 13 miles]. there were a couple problems along the way, such as rachel getting a flat tube, irv's bottom bracket seizing up, and my bike getting hit by a golf ball. but all in all, it was a pretty smooth, slow paced, relaxed ride.

afterward, aaron, irv, and i went to cici's pizza buffet and met up with francis. i told myself i was gonna destroy everything in sight but as usual, i ate around 5 slices of pizza before reaching a food coma. irv had to drive home afterward because i was still drifting in and out of consciousness.

cliff notes: super sick, biked 13 miles, cici's pizza buffet

Sunday, January 2, 2011

a tad late

new years resolutions///
run a mile every wednesday [taylor middle school shoutout]
bike often
train for sprint triathlon in february
cook outside culinary school
find job(s)
update blog/ flickr

it's already january 2nd, but better late than never.

oh, i ripped my favorite pair of jeans smashing my brother's burger a couple days ago. karma lol.