Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry belated-Christmas! It's around 6:15AM right now and I can't sleep so I guess I'll update this because I haven't in so long. So my family drove up to the Bay Area from Arizona to celebrate Christmas. I'll be here till the 31st. I've basically spent the past two days just eating and hanging out with friends. Had dinner Christmas Eve at my cousin's house with a couple relatives over. I passed out super early while everyone sang karaoke. BTW, trying to eat dim sum on Christmas day is INSANE. Saw True Grit tonight then went over to Christopher Darro Gill's house to play some Mafia. It was awesome because normally, I suck at that game but I did good today!

Cliff notes: Arizona > Bay Area > Food > Sleep > Church > Dim Sum > Movie > Mafia > Can't Sleep

Later today, we will be visiting our friend Vinette. She works at True on Haight Street. Or was it True Sole? Dunno. Hopefully I also get some shopping done for our upcoming white elephant gift exchange. Also, sorry for the lack of pictures, I have been taking a few but have yet to upload them. Perhaps when I get back to Arizona.

click for full size


  1. Merry belated-Christmas!
    St. Joseph's Oratory, Montreal - Canada -

  2. Looks like you had amazing Christmas last year. But what about this year as I couldn't find any posts related to them?
    Samsung Galaxy S3 Review
